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Posts mit dem Label Menu-planning werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009

In order to stay organised ( a New Year resolution, every year...) I have to make a weekly menu. This will -hopefully- be published every Sunday, so watch out.

Sunday: Turkey-breast stuffed with spinach and cheese, pasta and salad
Monday: Lentil-chili, to use up any leftover vegetables from the fridge
Tuesday: Sweet-and-sour chicken with rice
Wednesday: Potatoe-pancakes
Thursday: Fried rice with vegetables
Friday: -no idea-
Saturday: Grilled fish-fillets, vegetables, mashed potatoes
Sunday: Dolma, an Algerian dish with stuffed vegetables, recipe to follow

This year we also will have to save some money, so using up what's in the pantry and planned leftovers will be the main themes, especially this month!